Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Walking Dead Terminus sanctuary for all ...Really?

Sunday night’s episode of the Walking Dead gave us the much anticipated reunion of Maggie and Glenn. This was one of the most heart warming moments that we have seen in this otherwise chaotic world. 

The warm feeling continued as our weary group of survivors Maggie, Glenn, Sasha, Bob, Tara, Eugene, Abraham and Rosita enter the so-called “sanctuary for all”. From the outside of this brick and mortar building, things looks very peaceful and welcoming but the strangely innocuous, unguarded, unlocked entrance to Terminus is perplexing.
Despite its serene entry with Sunflowers, various vegetable gardens, Palm trees and a friendly woman named Mary (the welcoming committee) no one in their right mind should trust any of this for a minute. But our beloved group seemingly does, they are tired and suffering from shell shocked after the prison escape. 

They just need a place to sit still, think and hopefully connect with others from the group. There's one interestingly strange coincidence that you may not have noticed, there is an odd resemblance with the destroyed painting of the woman with the long braid. 

walkingdeadblogger.comRemember in episode 11 "Claimed" Michonne found the portrait inside an abandon house. The plain dressed woman in the painting looks strangely like a younger version of Mary.

We don’t know much about Terminus because the name isn’t used in The Walking Dead comic book series. The only information that we do know are those residing in Terminus want survivors to come to their facility. The obvious indicators are the blatant signs all along the railroad tracks with directions on how to find their location.

In episode 3 "Isolation”, Daryl, Michonne, Bob and Tyreese while driving in search of medical supplies, when a voice on the radio startles them. The voice says, “Sanctuary. Those who arrive survive.” While the name “Terminus” was not used in the broadcast, this is the same slogan that appears on the signs for Terminus.

In episode 10 “Inmates” Tyreese, Carol and the kids were told by a dying man, “There’s a place up the tracks. It’s safe. You can take the children there. Trust me. Leave. Follow the tracks.” Tyreese just tried to save the man from Walkers. How would he know it’s safe? Was he a resident of Terminus? If so, what was he doing roaming around the countryside?
The push to encourage survivors to go to Terminus makes the likelihood of something deeply insidious a real possibility. You have to ask, why would a protected group actively seek people to come to their sanctuary? Shouldn't they be leery of new comers? 

Trust is earned and building trust in this world does not come easily, food and supplies are limited, undesirable survivors roaming around ready to rob and kill is a real threat. Given all this, why would a group risk their resources and safety unless they are a bigger danger to fear? 

  2 Sneak Preview of Sunday's The Walking Dead Finale Episode 16 "A"


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