In the season finale of The Walking Dead, Rick showed Michonne and Carl how to catch an animal in a trap. He explained if you camouflage the trap, you can control the movement of the animal and force them directly into the trap.
The irony of his statement is we now know, Rick's group was in fact the big catch of the day. The maze layout of the compound is exactly what Rick described as the perfect trap. The group was forced through the facility guided by snipers on the rooftops shooting at the ground and directing them to boxcar "A" by gun men in the bushes.
There is no question that they have done this before.
AMC released this photo of a deleted scene from the finale. We see Rick, Carl, Michonne and Daryl fighting off a several Walkers chained-up with stacks of human remains sprewed all over the ground (note how the remains look).
It's not zombie ravaged victims but carefully cut leftovers. If you read my previous post Come for Sanctuary - Stay as a Meal, I've suggested that humans are butchered for their meat by the cannibals of Terminus. This photo is further proof of their practice.
We have witness survivors feeding the undead before. Remember The Governor caring for his daughter Penny and Hershel keeping Walkers in the barn on the farm. Could the well-fed Walkers be former members of Terminus who now serve as part of the trap? What do you think?