Friday, April 18, 2014

The Walking Dead - Terminus Come for Sanctuary - Stay as a Meal

Walking Dead comic book fans and Telltale game series players suspected that Terminus had human ribs on the menu. But seeing decaying carcass of human remains tossed aside, like a turkey the day after Thanksgiving was shocking. Note: These remains look like something a butcher would throw out, cut with proficiency.
I believe Terminus is a remix of the two groups found in both the game and comic book. A group known as The Hunters were a roving band of cannibals. They appeared in Fear the Hunters storyline in the comics. They stalked, trapped and slowly killed other survivors for meat. Keep in mind, in this world you can't just kill people for food without them turning into Walkers. The Hunters would cut limbs off, tourniquet the wound and use the meat immediately. They always had fresh meat.

The second cannibalistic group resided on a Dairy Farm, led by Brenda St John. Her character appeared in Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead: Season One episode, Starved For Help. Like
Mary, Brenda appears to be a kindly older woman who is very welcoming to strangers. Her family lured survivors to their farm, similar to all the signage leading survivors to the welcoming doors of Terminus. Where Mary stands grilling slabs of meat.

Do you remember this guy?

Tryesse tried to help him on the railroad tracks. His dying words to Carol and Tyresse was "There's a safe place to bring the children. Trust me please ...follow the tracks." He sounded like a commercial for the place. Why was the man so infatic for them to go there? Could it be those men were scouts to lead unsuspecting people to the grill? 

I think we'll find that Terminus is probably a little bit like both groups. But they all have one thing in common ... a belief that everything taste the same with ketchup. If you are interested - I wrote an article on a news story about cannibalism in South Africa entitled Human Meat Burger. Fiction is not as far away off reality as you may think.

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